Jun 06, 2014

Feb 22, 2015 · The Persian Empire existed at a unique time in history, when most of the oikumene, or civilized, settled, populated world was concentrated in or near the Middle East. As a result, the Persian May 20, 2015 · The complex and fascinating history of how a handful of British settlements in the New World grew into the most powerful nation in human history. Using over 50 factors to determine a country’s PowerIndex score, the Global Firepower 2020 list ranks the most powerful military nations in the world. The list ranks 138 advanced and lesser These heads of state, financiers, philanthropists and entrepreneurs truly run the world. The World's Most Powerful People. 2018 RANKING; Billionaire Secrets The World's Most Powerful People Dec 16, 2019 · Unsurprisingly, the United States has retained its spot as the world’s most powerful country in 2019, according to an annual ranking, followed closely by Russia and China. The report describes the U.S. as the “most dominant economic and military power in the world.” America also has a large cultural impact on the world because of […] The US was perceived as the most powerful, followed closely by Russia, with the UK coming in fourth. Other countries included Pakistan, Turkey, and Israel. Scroll down to see the 23 nations seen

The Russian army has been showing the ultimate growth in its army and it is the world’ strongest army in the world and stands at the second position in the list of top 10 most powerful military countries in the world.

1. America( By a long margin ) 2. Russia, China ( Comparable to each other, Russia has slight edge ) 4. India ( no comparison with the above mentioned countries but very much capable of defending against any of them) Lets have a look at the d

7 Indisputable Reasons the United States of America Is the

7 Indisputable Reasons the United States of America Is the Jul 02, 2015 Top 20 Most Powerful Countries in the World - Visigami Nov 29, 2015